Mutiny Node v0.3.0: Address Labeling, Contacts & Logging

Version 0.3.0 of Mutiny Node includes lots of bug fixes, improvements, and new features.

Contacts and labeling. “Huge feature by @benthecarman for labeling UTXOs, addresses, LN invoices, and payments. Works with the concept of a “payment reason” or “contact” in general. These concepts are merged together to more tightly associate payments with people and will be the base of more social features to come. Also reinforces tracking UTXOs used for particular reasons.”Cleaned Up Logs. “Logs have been cleaned up considerably and are now be saved to indexeddb by default. Not only does this persist the logs but they may be pulled and shown to the user. Only the most recent 1k lines of logs are saved and writing to disk happens once every 5s while it is running.”Graceful shutdown support. “This allows for kindly stopping all of the nodes and node components to give them a chance to save to disk, disconnect from peers, stop background processes, closing the DB connection, etc. Can be started up as well. Useful before exporting the storage and/or importing to a new browser or instance.””Preparation for a future Redshift feature for swapping UTXOs.””Documentation updates for the rust and npm libraries.”“Breaking Changes: Instead of accessing NodeManager directly, there’s a new wrapper over it called MutinyWallet that should be the main entrypoint for developers. This allows us to do more things than just holding and managing nodes.””Some key/value database changes were made so existing instances will not work with the new one.”

What’s Changed

Logging and error clarification on closing channel by @TonyGiorgio in #432Add docs for nodemanager functions by @benthecarman in #434Filter out StaticOutput spendable outputs by @benthecarman in #435Persist failed SpendableOutputs events and retry on startup by @benthecarman in #437Add ability to sweep to a new channel by @benthecarman in #440Remove unused imports warning for tests by @benthecarman in #454Cleanup generate_seed by @benthecarman in #453Connect to lsp on start of node by @benthecarman in #452Fix invalid hash bug in list_payment_info by @benthecarman in #451Fix key for channel monitors by @benthecarman in #450Turn off upfront shutdown pubkey for channels by @benthecarman in #455Log serde_json errors when saving to db by @TonyGiorgio in #456Skip phantom invoices if LSP is involved by @TonyGiorgio in #457Add ability to archive node by @benthecarman in #439Reconnection improvements by @TonyGiorgio in #464Create MutinyWallet that holds a node manager, rename MutinyWallet to OnchainWallet by @benthecarman in #466Add utility function get_node by @benthecarman in #468List balance of all lightning channels by @benthecarman in #467Decrypt seed from indexeddb when password is set by @TonyGiorgio in #470Graceful shutdown by @TonyGiorgio in #436Small cleanup for stop by @benthecarman in #471Cleanup logging by @benthecarman in #472Redshifts by @benthecarman in #449Address labeling by @benthecarman in #462Fix test_websocket_proxy_init to work locally by @benthecarman in #480Log to storage and clean up tests by @TonyGiorgio in #479

Full Changelog: v0.2.8…v0.3.0

GitHub Repo

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