LNbits v0.10.4 Released

What’s Changed:

fix: assume no pre-installed extensions by @motorina0 in #1558Remove venv from lnbits! @dni in #1569simplify exclude syntax for mypy in pyproject.toml by @prusnak in #1583docs: add nginx ssl proxy info to installation by @prusnak in #1582refactor extension_manager to use pathlib.Path instead of os.path.join by @prusnak in #1580return fee in status by @callebtc in #1598add version to fastapi app and startup log by @dni in #1568FIX: admin topup to use payment_hash by @dni in #1588FEAT: #1552 add copy payment_hash to payment details by @dni in #1591FEAT: use versioning for frontend (npm) and copy it to lnbits/static/vendor for easier updating by @dni in #1590BUG: proper exception for already paid internal invoices by @dni in #1593FEAT: Filters for GET requests, add it to GET /payments by @dni in #1557fix internal payment check by @callebtc in #1604increase readability by using f-strings by @prusnak in #1597bugfix: 500 error if same wallet tries to pay an external invoice twice by @dni in #1594small followup to #1597 by @prusnak in #1607introduce pyright + fix issues (supersedes #1444) by @dni in #1468FEAT: lock name inside package-lock, by adding name to package.json by @dni in #1616Link install guide by @arcbtc in #1614FEAT: ignore extensions for checks, linting, prettier by @dni in #1617hotfix fakewallet by @dni in #1623improve errorhandling for lndrest #252 by @dni in #1631FEAT: remove python 3.7 and update dependencies by @dni in #1629FEAT: add localisation to lnbits frontend by @dni in #1608Allow for scanning BIP21 QR codes by @talvasconcelos in #1634BUG: SSL certificate for lndrest is required even though it could be a publicly issued one by @dni in #1636formatting did only run on branch main? by @dni in #1627Fix admin ext access by @motorina0 in #1612FEAT: improve on flake8 linting by @dni in #1630fix inputs on Lnd funding sources by @talvasconcelos in #1621

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