btcd v0.23.1-beta released

btcjson: Update WalletCreateFundedPsbtOpts.FeeRate type by @gnasr in #1729rpcserverhelp: Remove extra period for gettxout–synopsis by @kcalvinalvin in #1733mempool: export isDust for use in other projects by @Crypt-iQ in #1739Switch irc to by @jcvernaleo in #1725rpcclient: Export symbols needed for custom commands by @JeremyRand in #1457btcec: check if recovered pk is at point of infinity by @MariusVanDerWijden in #1750mempool: introduce GetDustThreshold to export dust limit calculation by @Crypt-iQ in #1742build: bump min Go version to 1.16.8 add Go 1.17.1 by @Roasbeef in #1753Upgraded the docker version to 1.16 by @naveensrinivasan in #1755peer+server: add new config option to optionally disable stall detection by @Roasbeef in #1752addrmgr: make KnownAddress methods thread-safe by @chappjc in #1763comment improvement by @pyh4 in #1762Included permissions for GitHub action by @naveensrinivasan in #1756connmgr: Fix stale comment in TestRemovePendingConnection by @sloorush in #1749rpcclient: Add retry with backoffs to HTTP POST requests by @3nprob in #1743txscript: backport tokenizer from dcrd by @Roasbeef in #1769go.mod, go.sum: Update goleveldb by @kcalvinalvin in #1770reduce redundant memory allocation – resolves #1699 by @ziollek in #1759rpcclient+rpcserver+integration: GetNetworkHashPS3 must be float64 by @mattbajorek in #1778multi: move the btcutil repo into btcd as a sub-module by @Roasbeef in #1785btcutil: update modules to replace to top-level btcd repo by @Roasbeef in #1788chaincfg+blockchain: abstract/refactor BIP 9 version bits implementation to work w/ BIP 8 block heights  by @Roasbeef in #1700btcec: create new btcec/v2 module that type aliases into the dcrec module by @Roasbeef in #1773btcec/v2: create new schnorr package for BIP-340, move existing ecdsa implementation into new ecdsa package by @Roasbeef in #1777build: update to btcec v2.1.0 by @Roasbeef in #1801build: retract bogus tags from btcd fork by @Roasbeef in #1805mempool/estimatefee: Fix negative index bug by @kcalvinalvin in #1813Replace imports with by @anupcshan in #1780Remove circular dependency issue between btcec/v2 and main package by @guggero in #1823Fixes coveralls coverage report by @vpereira01 in #1814Update LICENSE by @MarnixCroes in #1809build: update to btcec/v2.1.1 and chaincfg/chainhash/v1.00 by @Roasbeef in #1824multi: implement BIP 341 and 342 a.k.a complete taproot and tapscript consensus verification logic  by @Roasbeef in #1787build: update to btcec/v2.1.3 and chaincfg/chainhash v1.0.1 by @Roasbeef in #1831blockchain: demote BIP 9 log statements by @Roasbeef in #1832psbt: allow empty bip32 derivation path by @guggero in #1834Revert “reduce redundant memory allocatio – resolves #1699” by @Crypt-iQ in #1804Default to JSONRPC 1.0 if the rpcVersion empty by @jsfour in #1837btcjson: Update fields in GetNetworkInfoResult by @dekokun in #1800harden daemon on OpenBSD by @timkuijsten in #1815rpctest: ensure rpclisten is set to an available port by @arshbot in #1806btcjson: add addresstype arg to getnewaddress by @chappjc in #1776chaincfg: use lower custom activation threshold for regtest+simnet by @Roasbeef in #1838rpcclient: add getzmqnotifications RPC by @torkelrogstad in #1810btcd: don’t override explicitly set GOGC by @anupcshan in #1782Adds GH workflow to build docker images on version tags by @vpereira01 in #1830multi: implement BIP-155 addrv2 support by @Crypt-iQ in #1812psbt: always use non witness serialization format by @guggero in #1842btcec/schnorr/musig2: add new musig2 implementation based on musig2 draft BIP by @Roasbeef in #1820fuzz: add ParsePubKey fuzzer by @odeke-em in #1854psbt: add support for new Taproot fields by @guggero in #1847rpcclient: fix crash in http retry handler by @bhandras in #1856mempool: export checkStandardness func by @ellemouton in #1840build: bump version to v0.23 by @Roasbeef in #1860rpcclient: add getnewaddresstype and revert breaking change by @chappjc in #1844rpcclient: fix missing return by @bhandras in #1862build: bump version to v0.23.1 by @Roasbeef in #1863

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